Cavolo Nero Polenta Soup (4)

This is the first recipe i cooked from Claire Thomson’s eagerly awaited ” Home Cookery Year” which came out earlier this month. The book is divided into seasons so i am busy working my way through autumn recipes . Watch this space for a few more….

Tartiflette Baked Potatoes (4)

I have been continuing to cook my way through Claire Thomson’s ” New Kitchen Basics” and am very much looking forward to her new book coming out in September which i have to confess to pre-ordering. These potatoes are based on a favourite french gratin dish popular in the Savoy Alps and just what you need after a day on the ski slopes, or walking in the mountains, or indeed any time.

Lemon and Bay Posset (4)

Now I have discovered how easy it is to make a posset there is no stopping me! This version is from Claire Thomson’s ” New Kitchen Basics” which i am gradually cooking my way through as the recipes are so good.

Masala Omelette (2)

This is another recipe from my current favourite cookbook – Claire Thomson’s ” New Kitchen Basics” which i have adapted for 2 greedy adults. Its best cooked as a separate omelette for each person but you can make one bigger one and cook for a bit longer.