A recipe from ” Good Things to Eat” by Lucas Hollweg. He says that although not strictly a crumble, it is equally satisfying. The topping hardens into a delicious softly chewy layer on top of the fruit. Seve with cream or vanilla ice cream.
A dessert from ” Roast Figs, Sugar Snow” by Diana Henry. It is good served chilled with some ginger biscuits but can also be served warm or at room temperature.
A delicious chutney which goes very well with smoked mackeral among other things. The recipe is from ” The Women’s Instiute Homemade Jams and Chutneys” by Midge Thomas.
A good cake for pudding or afternoon tea from ” Cook Simple” by Diana Henry. This can be varied replacing the plums with pears and the hazelnuts with walnuts.
A warming drink for cold nights from ” The Modern Preserver” by Kylee Newton. You can also use it in stewed fruit, baking or marinating. It will keep for 1-2 years – if it last’s that long. Serve in a tumbler with ice.
Spicy fruit for dessert or breakfast from Nigel Slater’s ” Greenfeast: spring, summer. “. If you like you could make into a mess with meringue and whipped cream .