Spinach and Turmeric Fish Curry (4)

A delicious curry from ” Dominique’s Kitchen” by Dominique Woolf. You can omit the chilli for a child friendly version. You can add a few prawns as well if you like, or use them instead of the fish. Serve with rice or rotis.

Venison Keema (2-4)

A great way to use up offcuts of venison from Mark Hix. It will serve two as a main or four as a starter and is good served with flatbreads, rice or even mash.

Chicken Karai (4-6)

Another recipe from ” Ammu” by Asma Khan. The gravy is quite thick so its very good served with rotis, but you can also serve it with rice. It can also be made with lamb or beef, but you need to extend the marinating and cooking times.