Penne with Broccoli and Green Olives (4-6)

Purple Sprouting Broccoli is probably my favourite vegetable and i buy it almost daily from my local greengrocers when it is in season. The best i have ever had came from a stall at Stoke Newington Farmers Market in London, and is definitely one of the things I miss about not living there so far. I have tried to grow it on my allotment but without much success so far. This is from ” River Cafe Cook Book Two”.

Taglierini with Clams and Courgettes (4)

This weekend I am working my way through posting all the remaining River Cafe recipes I have enjoyed over the years so far. Here is another one from ” River Cafe Two Easy” by Rose Grey and Ruth Rogers. Looking through this cookbook i can see several more vegetarian pasta dishes i must try soon so look out for these.