A modern version of a piquant red cabbage salad from Yorkshire which was known as ” Yorkshire ploughboy” according to Dorothy Hartley in ” Food in Enlgland”. The recipe is from ” Simply British ” by Sybil Kapoor. It should be served with cold meat and jacket potato. It can also be served as a warm red cabbage salad ( see instructions).
- 1/2 large red cabbage finely sliced
- 1 red onion halved and finely sliced
- 3 tbsps dried sour cherries or cranberries
- 2 tbsps black treacle
- 4 tbsps coconut vinegar or white wine vinegar
- salt and freshly ground black pepper
- a pinch cayenne pepper
- Place the cabbage, onion and dried fruit in a mixing bowl. Measure the treacle and vinegar into a small mixing bowl and stir until the treacle has dissolved. Pour over the salad, mix thoroughly and season to taste. Allow to sit for 10 minutes before serving.
- If you want a warm salad lightly fry the cabbage with finely sliced spring onions, a little garlic and the dried fruit before tipping in the dressing.
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