Roast Chicken Curry with Curry Leaves (4)

A favourite way with chicken from ” Mezcla” by Ixta Belfrage. The chicken can be marinated and kept in the fridge up to 2 days ahead but bring it back to room temperature before cooking.

Roast Chicken Curry with Curry Leaves (4)
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Roast Chicken Curry with Curry Leaves (4)
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Curry Sauce:
  1. Preheat the oven to 230 Fan, 250 C. In a small bowl mix all the ingredients for the marinade. Pa the chicken dry with paper towels. Sprinkle all over with fine salt, including the underside. Slather the marinade all over and around the chicken. Leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes or longer ( see introduction).
  2. Place all the ingredients for the curry sauce in a blender and blitz until smooth. Pour into a 32 by 26 cm high sided roasting tin- if its any bigger keep an eye on the sauce as it roasts and add more water if needed to stop it burning around the edges.
  3. Place the chicken in the tray skin side up on top of the curry sauce, making sure its legs are spread out. Roast for 40 minutes without basting until the chicken is cooked through and crispy and the sauce has thickened and is bubbling. Check the chicken is cooked by inserting a metal skewer into the thickest part of the chicken. The juices should run clear.
  4. When the chicken is cooked remove from the oven and leave to rest for 15 minutes. Meanwhile put the 3 tbsps oil into a small saucepan on a medium high heat. Once hot, add the chillies and fry for 2 minutes then add the curry leaves and fry for 30 seconds. Drain through a heatproof sieve into a heatproof bowl. You can keep the oil to drizzle on another dish.
  5. Transfer the chicken to a lipped platter and pour the curry sauce around it. Top with the crispy chilli and curry leaves and serve.
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