Tahini Crunch Greens (2)

P1050217_edited-1This is adapted as a main dish for two from a recipe for “Sweet and Salty Tahini Crunch Greens” in Anna Jones’s brilliant cookbook ” A Modern Way to Eat” 2014. She suggests serving it as a side but i liked it on its own.Its a great way to incorporate kale into your diet but you can vary the vegetables according to the season. For people like me who are adopting an increasingly vegetarian diet her book is really inspiring. She lives locally to me too so i should not have too much difficulty sourcing any  more unusual ingredients.

Tahini Crunch Greens (2)
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Tahini Crunch Greens (2)
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  1. Preheat the oven to 200 C, Fan 180, Gas 6
  2. Mix together the seeds , nuts, 2 tbsps of maple syrup and seasoning in a small bowl. Scatter on to a baking tray then roast in the oven for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool a little.
  3. Meanwhile, make the dressing by mixing together the tahini, lemon, 2 tsps of maple syrup and the olive oil in a jug. Season.
  4. Blanch the greens in a big pot of boiling water. Add the broccoli first then, 10 seconds later, the kale. Cook for no longer than a minute so they are still crunchy.
  5. Drain the greens and return to the saucepan. Pour over the dressing and toss to coat, then sprinkle over the roasted nuts and seeds. Serve immediately.
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