Aubergine Parmigiana (4-6)

This dish from Northern Italy  can be served as a vegetarian main course or as a side dish to accompany roasted meat or fish. This is  Jamie Oliver’s version from “Jamie’s Italy” published in 2005. I particularly like it because the aubergine is griddled rather than fried resulting in a less greasy dish than some versions. I like to serve it with some oven chips.

Aubergine Parmigiana (4-6)
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Aubergine Parmigiana (4-6)
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  1. Remove the stalks from the aubergines and slice into 1 cm rounds. Set aside. Put a griddle pan on the stove to get very hot.
  2. Meanwhile heat 2 or 3 glugs of oilve oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the onion, garlic and dried oregano and cook gently for about 10 mins until the onion is soft. Tip in the tinned tomatoes, stir, then cover and simmer gently for about 15 mins.
  3. While the tomatoes are cooking griddle the aubergines in batches in a single layer. Cook until lightly charred on both sides then remove to a plate while you cook the remaining aubergines.
  4. When the tomato sauce is reduced season carefully with salt and pepper and add the basil.
  5. Preheat the oven to 190 C Gas 5. Get a shallow ovenprro dish about 25 cm by 15 cm. Cover the bottom with a small layer of tomato sauce followed by a thin scattering of parmesan. Cover with a single layer of aubergines. Repeat these layers until you have used all the ingredients up, finishing with tomato sauce and a good sprinkling of parmesan.
  6. Toss the breadcrumbs in a little olive oil and mix in the fresh oregano, then scatter on top of the dish. If you are making this as a main course you may also wish to add the torn up mozzarell before sprinkling with breadcrumbs.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes until golden and bubbly then serve straight away.
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