Tomato, Leek and Artichoke Bake with Feta (2-3)

A recipe from the excellent ” The Quick Roasting Tin” by Rukmina Iyer.

Tomato, Leek and Artichoke Bake with Feta (2-3)
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Tomato, Leek and Artichoke Bake with Feta (2-3)
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  1. Preheat the oven to 210C fan/gas mark 8. While it’s heating, slice the leeks, tip them into a metal roasting tin along with the oil, mix well, then pop them into the oven to roast while you get on with the batter.
  2. Put the flour into a bowl. Whisk the eggs and milk together, pour this over the flour and whisk until smooth, then stir in the crumbled feta cheese.
  3. Once the oven has come to temperature, remove the tin of leeks, give them a good stir, then pour the batter evenly over the top. Scatter over the tomatoes, their vines and the artichokes, then return to the oven and cook for 25-30 minutes, until the bake is well risen and golden brown.
  4. Just before the bake is ready, toss the spinach with the extra virgin olive oil, the lemon juice and sea salt and set aside.
  5. Serve hot, scattered with the dill, with the lemon-dressed spinach salad alongside.
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