Sausages with Apples and Cider (2)

A recipe for sausages from Nigel Slater.

Sausages with Apples and Cider (2)
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Sausages with Apples and Cider (2)
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  1. Melt half the butter in a frying pan over a low heat and fry the sausages, turning from time to time.
  2. Quarter and core the apples and slice into segments. In another pan fry them in the remaining butter until they have softened a little and the edges are turning golden. Lift out on to a warm serving dish.
  3. Add the cider and the juniper berries to the pan. Increase the heat slightly and let the cider bubble down until almost half has evaporated.
  4. Pour in the cream and season well with salt and pepper. Simmer for a few minutes.
  5. To serve place the sausages on top of the apples and pour the sauce over both.
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