Lemon, Buttermilk and Black Pepper Cake (8-10)

A most delicious cake from ” Flavour” by Ruby Tandoh.

Lemon, Buttermilk and Black Pepper Cake (8-10)
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Lemon, Buttermilk and Black Pepper Cake (8-10)
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  1. Heat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Grease and line 2 x 20cm-diameter spring-form or loose-bottomed tin.
  2. Cream the butter with the sugars until light and fluffy, then stir in the lemon zest, pepper and eggs. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt. Add to the butter and sugar, along with the buttermilk. Stir until the batter is smooth
  3. Spoon the batter into the cake tin and bake for 25 mins, or until well-risen, golden brown and springy. A small knife inserted into the centre of the cake should emerge with no more than a crumb or two sticking to it. Demould the cake and cool on a wire rack.
  4. Prepare the syrup by heating the lemon juice and sugar in a small pan and simmering for a minute or two. Pour over the cakes while the syrup is still hot.
  5. To assemble, spread one cake with the lemon curd and sandwich with the second half. Finish with an extra grind of pepper and a sprinkling of finely grated zest.
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