Broad Bean Salata (4-6)

A seasonal recipe from Rosemary Barron’s ” Flavours of Greece”.

Broad Bean Salata (4-6)
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Broad Bean Salata (4-6)
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  1. Pod the beans, remove their skins and set aside. Coarsely chop the spring onions then finely chop 2 tbsps of these and set aside for garnish.
  2. Heat 2 tbsps of the olive oil in a large heavy frying pan over a low heat and saute the spring onions for for 5 minutes until soft.
  3. Add the broad beans then cover and cook for 5 more minutes, shaking the pan from time to time.
  4. Transfer the beans and spring onions to a blender and add the dill, salt and pepper. With the machine running add most of the lemon juice and yoghurt, and half the remaining olive oil. Process to a puree adding water if too thick. Add more lemon juice, yoghurt or olive oil as preferred.
  5. Spread on a plate and sprinkle with the reserved spring onion and remaining olive oil and lemon juice. Garnish with the dill sprigs and olives and serve at room temperature.
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