Pain Perdu with Clotted Cream and Raspberries (4)

An irresistible combination of golden eggy bread, raspberries and rich cream from Diana Henry’s ” Cook Simple”.

Pain Perdu with Clotted Cream and Raspberries (4)
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Pain Perdu with Clotted Cream and Raspberries (4)
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  1. Whisk the cream and eggs together with the sugar. Either leave the brioche slices whole or cut them in half. Dunk the first two slices of brioche in the egg mix and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Melt a knob of butter in a frying pan and cook the brioche slices, a couple at a time, adding more butter as you need to, until golden on each side.
  3. You need to dunk the next slices of brioche in the egg mixture as you go along, leaving for 5 minutes before cooking. Put each slice on a paper towel as it is cooked.
  4. Serve 2 slices of brioche per person, sift with icing sugar and add the raspberries and clotted cream.
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