Lamb with Almonds (4)

Lamb with Almonds (4)
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A Spanish recipe for Lamb
Lamb with Almonds (4)
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A Spanish recipe for Lamb
  1. In a large saucepan heat the olive oil.Add the lamb a few pieces at a time so that the meat seals and browns.Pour in enough stock to cover the meat and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.
  2. Make a bouquet garni of the onion,coriander seeds and ginger. Add to the lamb. Simmer for about an hour then remove the bouquet garni. Check that the lamb is tender and cook for 10-15 minutes longer if necessary.
  3. Mix together the almonds, cinnamon and some black pepper then stir into the lamb. Season to taste, then stir in the chopped hard boiled eggs. Check it is heated through.
  4. Serve with boiled rice or couscous.
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