Duck with Rum (4-6)

This recipe from Guadeloupe is best made with richly flavoured dark rum from the French Islands, but any good dark rum will do. This is from ” The Cooking of the Caribbean” by Elizabeth Lambert Ortiz.

Duck with Rum (4-6)
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Duck with Rum (4-6)
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  1. Make the stock ahead of time. Remove the giblets from the duck and put in a saucepan with the water. Simmer, covered, over a moderate heat for an hour.
  2. Strain, then reduce over a brisk heat, uncovered, until the stock measures 300 ml. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.
  3. Pull any loose fat from the cavity of the duck and season with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a large casserole that will hold the duck comfortably. Lightly brown the duck all over. Lift it out of the casserole and transfer to a platter.
  4. Spoon off all but 2 tbsps of the fat in the casserole and gently fry the onion and garlic until tender. Return the duck to the casserole with the bouquet garni, allspice and the stock.
  5. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook for about 90 minutes until the duck is tender.
  6. Discard the bouquet garni and spoon off any fat that has accumulated. Warm the rum, pour over the duck and, standing back, light it. When the flames die down lift out the duck and place on a warm platter.
  7. Boil the sauce to reduce it if necessary and pour it into a gravy boat. Serve with rice.
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