Debbie Owen’s Iced Tea (6-8)

A recipe from Delia Smith’s ” Summer Collection” 1993.

Debbie Owen's Iced Tea (6-8)
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Debbie Owen's Iced Tea (6-8)
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  1. Make up some very strong tea in a large teapot using the teabags and 2 pints of boiling water. Add 2 tbsps sugar and 6 sprigs of mint to the teapot. Leave to infuse for 15-20 mins then remove the tea bags. Leave to get very cold, then remove the mint from the teapot.
  2. Put lots of ice into a glass jug and pour in the cold tea followed by the orange and lime juices and 6 more sprigs of mint. Finally add the orange and lemon slices and stir well.
  3. Serve immediately in glasses with more ice.
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