Crab Tostadas with Jalapeno and Lime Mayo (4)

A quick and easy recipe from Edson Diaz-Fuentes

Crab Tostadas with Jalapeno and Lime Mayo (4)
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Crab Tostadas with Jalapeno and Lime Mayo (4)
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  1. Preheat the oven to 170C/150C fan/Gas 3½ and set a wire rack over a baking tray lined with baking parchment.
  2. To make the mayonnaise, place the chopped chillies, garlic, coriander and mint in a molcajete (pestle and mortar) or small blender. Add a pinch of salt and crush or blend until reduced to a purée.
  3. Incorporate the chilli and herb purée into the mayonnaise, then stir in in the lime juice and taste for seasoning. Set aside.
  4. To make the tostadas, lightly coat both sides of the tortillas with the oil. Arrange the tortillas on the prepared wire rack and bake for 20-30 minutes, or until crispy, turning halfway through. Sprinkle with salt flakes.
  5. Place the tostadas, crab, avocado, jalapeño mayonnaise, coriander leaves and lime wedges on a serving platter and let your guests build their own tostadas: first a spread of mayonnaise, then a few avocado slices, followed by some crab meat, coriander leaves and a squeeze of lime.
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