Two Root Mash (6)

Two Root Mash (6)
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Two Root Mash (6)
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  1. Peel the parsnips, cut them into large chunks then bring them to the boil in a pan of deep, salted water. Do the same with the carrots, but peeling them only if they have thick skins. Turn the heat down to a lively simmer then leave to cook for about 20 minutes until they are soft enough to mash.
  2. Toast the pine kernels until golden in a dry pan then set aside. Finely chop the parsley. When the parsnips are tender, drain them, add half the butter, then mash until creamy, using a stick blender, food mixer or vegetable masher.
  3. Drain the carrots, add the remaining butter then mash until smooth and creamy. Fold in the chopped parsley. Put the two mashes into a warm serving dish, then fold the two together, gently, so they are lightly mixed. Scatter with the toasted pine kernels.
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