Pea and Broad Bean Frittata (4)

An easy frittata from Angela Hartnett.

Pea and Broad Bean Frittata (4)
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Pea and Broad Bean Frittata (4)
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  1. Cook the peas and broad beans in a pan of boiling, salted water for three minutes until tender. Drain well, then run them under cold water. If you are using large broad beans, peel off the outer skins, but with new-season small ones you don’t need to bother.
  2. Heat the oil in a medium grill-proof 24cm frying pan over a low heat. Add the chopped shallot or onion, garlic, chilli flakes and some seasoning. Sauté for eight minutes, until soft but not coloured.
  3. In a bowl, whisk the eggs until they are well combined, then season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  4. Turn your grill on to its highest setting.
  5. When the onion mixture has softened, increase the heat under the pan to medium and pour in the beaten eggs.
  6. Add the broad beans and peas and stir gently, sprinkle over the grated cheese and mint, Leave the pan on the heat for two to three minutes, or until the underside of the frittata is pale golden-brown and the sides start to set.
  7. Transfer the pan to the grill and cook for a further two to three minutes, or until the top side of the egg mixture is firm and pale golden-brown.
  8. Tip on to a large plate and serve a slice with some nice bread.
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