Duck Breasts with Plum Sauce (4)

A quick and easy recipe for Duck from Sophie Grigson’s ” Meat Course”.

Duck Breasts with Plum Sauce (4)
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Duck Breasts with Plum Sauce (4)
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  1. First make the sauce. Put the plums into a pan with the cinnamon, white wine and bay leaf. Place over a medium heat and bring up gently to the boil. Half cover and simmer gently until the plums have collapsed to a puree.
  2. Rub through a sieve and while still warm stir in the sherry vinegar and 3-4 tbsps sugar to taste. Season with salt and black pepper and set aside until needed.
  3. Preheat the grill and start grilling the duck. Place the breasts skin side to the heat on a rack about 3 inches from the grill. Grill until well browned and crisp, then turn over, brush quickly with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Grill the cut side for four minutes. Let them rest in a warm place for 5 minutes while you reheat the plum sauce.
  4. Either serve whole or slice each duck breast and fan out on individual plates, putting any juices from the duck into the sauce. The suace can be drizzled over or served on the side.
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