Cardamon and Honey Friands (8)

A variation on a French classic from Bake Off Finalist Tamal Ray.

Cardamon and Honey Friands (8)
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Cardamon and Honey Friands (8)
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  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and keep heating until it turns dark brown. Pour into a heatproof bowl and set aside to cool.
  2. Mix together the egg whites, flour, almonds, sugar and cardamom to a paste, then add the cooled butter.
  3. Pour the mix into moulds or cases, then bake at 160C/315F/gas mark 3 for 12 minutes. The tops should turn golden brown.
  4. Once ready, remove from the oven and drizzle over the honey. Enjoy with a nice cup of tea.
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