Hedgerow Crumble (6)

A favourite crumble from ” Cook Simple ” by Diana Henry.

Hedgerow Crumble (6)
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Hedgerow Crumble (6)
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  1. Put the apples and blackberries into a pie dish and add the caster sugar. Mix to make sure all the fruit gets coated. Drizzle on a little liqueur if using.
  2. In a food processor pulse together the flours, butter and sugar until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Add the breadcrumbs. Chop the hazelnuts roughly, leaving some whole, and add them to the flour mixture
  3. Pat the crumble mixture on top of the fruit. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 C, 160 Fan, Gas 4 for 35-40 minutes. The fruit should be completely tender and the top brown and bubbling.
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