Blackberry and Apple Trifles (4)
  1. Peel the apples and cut into large chunks. Put them in a nonreactive saucepan with a little water and sugar, set over a moderate heat and bring to the boil. Lower the heat and leave for 10-15 minutes, with the occasional stir, until the apples have become soft enough to mash to a purée.
  2. Stir in the blackberries and crush lightly with a fork. Lightly whip the cream until it starts to thicken. It should be just thick enough to slide off the spoon. Stir in the mascarpone, icing sugar and vanilla extract.
  3. Break up the sponge fingers and put them in the bottom of four large glasses or glass bowls. Mix together the sherry and orange juice, then pour over the sponge fingers and leave to soak in.
  4. Spoon the apple and blackberry mixture on top of the sponge. (There may be some left over – use it with yoghurt for breakfast.) Place a spoonful of the mascarpone cream on top of the apple, leave for an hour in the fridge to settle before eating.