Smoked Haddock and Leek Risotto (4-6)
  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and sweat the leeks for 15 minutes. Remove any skin from the fish .
  2. Poach the fish in enough chicken stock to cover in a separate saucepan for about 5 minutes. Leave in the stock when cooked so it stays moist.
  3. Add the rice to the leeks and stir and cook for a minute until well coated with the buttery juices. Have the rest of the stock simmering and start adding it, a ladleful at a time, stirring constantly. Dont add any new liquid until each ladleful has been absorbed.
  4. The rice should take about 20 minutes to become soft while retaining a little bite in the centre. Use the stock in which the fish has been poached for the final addition of liquid.
  5. Gently break the fish into chunks and stir into the risotto at the last minute, together with 2 tbsps parmesan.
  6. Check the seasoning- its unlikely to need salt but a good grind of black pepper will finish it nicely. Serve immediately with the remaining Parmesan.