Lamb,Butternut and Prune Tagine (6)
  1. Preheat a large saucepan over a medium heat and drizzle in enough oil to cover the base of the pan. Add the onions and saute until they begin to brown slightly around the edges.
  2. Add the lamb to the pan and stir the meat into the onions, ensuring you keep the moving. You want the meat nicely browned and not stewed.
  3. Add the spices to the pan with a good seasoning of salt. Stir well to thoroughly coat the meat, then add the tamarind and honey. Pour in just enough boiling water to cover the contents of the pan. Reduce the heat to low and simmer gently for 90 minutes, stirring from time to time to prevent sticking.
  4. After 90 minutes add the squash , stir well and top up with more boiling water to cover the contents of the pan. Cook for a further 30 mins then add the prunes and check seasoning. Continue to cook for 30 mins more
  5. Serve with basmati rice or persian flatbread.